
New exhibit featuring 450-million-year-old fossil collection opens this month

隐藏在眼前的远古世界 打开9月. 29号在辛辛那提博物馆中心

CINCINNATI - Without knowing it, many Tristate residents have peered 450 million years into the past. 是不是在当地的河床上溅起了水花, 在公园里探险,或者一辆接一辆地坐在“cut -in- hill”上, 你亲眼看到了史前时代的痕迹. A new permanent exhibit at Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC) is transporting you back in time to learn more.

和, 尽管这个展览已经酝酿了4.5亿年, 你不用等那么久就能参观了. CMC的新 隐藏在眼前的远古世界 画廊本月开放. You’ll be able to walk the prehistoric sea floor when it 打开9月ember 29.

隐藏在眼前的远古世界 为您呈现古生代的身临其境之旅, beginning with the Ordovician Period – well before the dinosaurs in CMC’s 恐龙大厅 轰隆隆地穿过大地——那里有三叶虫, 节肢动物, early echinoderms and giant cephalopods thrived in the warm tropical sea that covered the Greater Cincinnati area so long ago. 这样做, 展览馆展示了中央文化中心世界级的奥陶纪化石收藏, 被认为是世界上最好的和最大的之一. 有充分的理由. 辛辛那提是奥陶世晚期化石的热点地区.

“Exploring ancient animal and fossil communities is accessible to everyone here in the Cincinnati region. 他们隐藏在众目睽睽之下!Brenda Hunda博士说.D.辛辛那提博物馆中心无脊椎古生物学馆长. “That’s what makes our rocks and fossils so amazing – you can grab a bag and a rock hammer, 去当地的小溪或露头地旅行,把自己带回到过去. 这是最接近时间旅行的东西了.”

Among the familiar – or strange – faces in the upcoming gallery will be Ohio’s state fossil, Isotelus马克西姆斯, a surprisingly large plated invertebrate that resembles a stretched-out horseshoe crab or an aquatic armadillo. Conical mollusks skin to cone-headed squid and handfuls of brachiopods also mingle in the tropical sea. As the gallery marches through time from the Late Ordovician to the subsequent Silurian and Devonian periods, 随着海洋生物的进化,你将认识新的生物, 以可怕而告终, 巨大的颚甲鱼 Dunkleosteus. 当你走出画廊时, 在石炭纪也是如此, 植物和动物牢牢地占领了土地.

有趣的事实: 三叶虫是最早拥有复杂眼睛的生物.

有趣的事实: 尽管30英尺高 Dunkleosteus 虽然没有牙齿,但它的骨颚的咬合力相当于一只 T. 雷克斯 or Megalodon.

The gallery uses soundscapes to immerse you deeper and deeper into the depths of the prehistoric sea and ten-foot-wide monitors turn a portion of the gallery into an ancient aquarium where animated trilobites crawl along the sea floor, 鱼和巨大的头足类动物游过头顶 Dunkleosteus 追逐猎物. A gigapixel image of the Edrioasteroid hardground slab allows you to explore the fossilized sea floor through a touchscreen as you uncover fossil facts and reveal what some of the organisms looked like and how they interacted with each other. 周围的箱子展示了真实的化石板. Bronze models give you an opportunity to feel the prehistoric animals and a touchable rock full of ancient remains let you actually touch fossils for real! Explore more using a magnifying glass and sketch your notes in the accompanying field guide. Profiles and stories introduce professional and hobby paleontologists who are contributing to research and our understanding of these long-gone eras.

隐藏在眼前的远古世界 is not just an opportunity for CMC to show off its impressive fossil collection. 突出了这段令人难以置信的当地悠久历史, 该画廊还以气候变化为主题, 进化, 灭绝与物种多样化. By continuing to study fossils and how they responded to similar changes over a long period of time, 我们也许能够更好地理解当今的主要问题.

有趣的事实: The Ordovician mass extinction (444 million years ago) and Late Devonian mass extinction (360 million years ago) are among the largest extinction events in Earth’s history. Roughly 86% of Earth’s species were lost in the Ordovician mass extinction and 75% lost in the Late Devonian mass extinction.

有趣的事实: 泥盆纪的鱼 is considered a critical link in the 进化 of marine-based to terrestrial four-limbed animals.

CMC的希望 隐藏在眼前的远古世界 inspires people to launch their own quest for discovery after their visit. 因为辛辛那提是奥陶世晚期化石的热点, 你可以在你的后院开始你自己的古生物学挖掘, 小溪或岩壁, 几乎可以保证成功. It’s fun to learn about the world around us 和 prehistoric world that came before us.

“We hear 450 million years ago and think this time 和se creatures are so far removed from us, 但我们准备向你展示他们比你想象的要近得多,伊丽莎白·皮尔斯说, 总统 & 辛辛那提博物馆中心首席执行官. “Our newest exhibit uses our incredible fossil collection to not just educate you about a bygone era of biodiversity, 但是为了培养好奇心, illuminate career paths for future scientists and inspire connection between people as they discover their new hobby of fossil hunting.”

隐藏在眼前的远古世界 is the latest addition to the award-winning museum as CMC continues an extensive museum experience refresh funded by its $112 million Champion More Curiosity campaign. Since 2018, the campaign has opened 15 new or reimagined exhibits and experiences at CMC, including 辛辛那提制造 约翰一. 和朱迪·鲁斯文走进自然画廊 in 2022. Additional exhibits and experiences are currently in development with opening dates scheduled through 2024, 2025和2026年. Those interested in contributing to the Champion More Curiosity campaign can do so at supportcmc.org, as an add-on gift during your online ticket purchase or in person at CMC’s box office.

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Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC) at 结合终端 is a nationally recognized, 屡获殊荣的机构坐落在国家历史地标. CMC is a vital community resource that sparks curiosity, inspiration, epiphany and dialogue. CMC was awarded the 2009 National Medal for Museum and Library Service from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and received accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums in 2012, 它是美国为数不多的同时获得这两项荣誉的博物馆之一. CMC内的组织包括 辛辛那提历史博物馆自然历史博物馆 & 科学儿童博物馆罗伯特D. 林德纳家庭影院辛辛那提历史图书馆和档案馆 和 盖尔收藏与研究中心. Housed in historic 结合终端 – a National Historic Landmark restored in 2018 and recognized as the nation’s 45th most important building by the American Institute of Architects – CMC welcomes more than 1.8 million visits annually, making it one of the most visited museums in the country. 欲了解更多信息,请网上赌搏网站十大排行 chinaqinyu.com.