MEDIA CONTACT: 科迪赫夫纳, (513) 608-5777, chefner@chinaqinyu.com

辛辛那提博物馆中心 debuts 网上赌搏网站十大排行

Virtual tours of permanent 和 featured exhibitions offer enrichment opportunities for educators 和 lifelong learners

辛辛那提- 辛辛那提博物馆中心 (CMC) is giving educators 和 lifelong learners a new tool in their educational 和 enrichment toolboxes – 网上赌搏网站十大排行. CMC has select 网上赌搏网站十大排行 available now with more options added over the next several months. 这个新, engaging format brings the magic 和 curiosity of CMC exhibits to classrooms, senior centers 和 other audiences – even those outside Greater Cincinnati.

The 2020-2021 school year has forced many schools, educators 和 parents to reimagine what school looks like. 修改后的教室, smaller class sizes 和 remote learning have made one of the best parts of school nearly impossible: field trips. Field trips are critical complements to classroom curriculum, helping students gain a better underst和ing of topics, building cultural underst和ing 和 tolerance 和 introducing students to new worlds 和 concepts in a setting full of wonder. Plus, they’re often one of the fondest memories of a child’s school-age years.

“I vividly recall field trips to the 自然历史博物馆 & 科学 as an elementary student in the 1980s, hiking through the 洞穴 看看北极熊有多大,托尼·劳森说。, senior director of school 和 teacher partnerships for 辛辛那提博物馆中心. “Experiencing the wonder of watching a ring vortex in action or viewing up-close, high-resolution 照片 of artwork created by the Maya more than a thous和 years ago will leave today’s students feeling that same sense of awe I felt decades ago.”

CMC is launching its 网上赌搏网站十大排行 with tours of its permanent 科学互动廊,由宝洁公司赞助 & 甘布尔及其特色展览 玛雅:展览. Each pre-recorded tour is approximately 30-60 minutes in length 和 blends videos, 照片, sound clip 和 interactive elements with lively commentary from CMC educators 和 curators. Some 网上赌搏网站十大排行 will also feature footage from CMC’s labs 和 collections, as well as commentary from outside experts. 在…的情况下 玛雅:展览, 辛辛那提大学 archaeologists lend their expertise to exhibition objects, sharing stories from field work 和 special insights from their research. Virtual field trips can be navigated together by a class or students can explore on their own from school or home, using a guide that accompanies each experience.

More 网上赌搏网站十大排行 to familiar favorites will debut in the spring, including 恐龙大厅, 洞穴, 公共着陆, 运动中的辛辛那提, 塑造我们的城市The Neil Armstrong space Exploration Gallery, C. Schott基金会. CMC is also developing a virtual experience around its temporary exhibition Inspired by Nature: The Art 和 Activism of Charley Harper. All experiences connect to OH 和 KY Learning St和ards. Each virtual field trip is easy to navigate 和 works for both PC 和 Mac, as well as mobile devices.

为了更个性化的体验, groups can add a 30-minute conversation with an expert to their virtual field trip experience. CMC的教育专家, 考古, 动物学, paleontology 和 Cincinnati history can speak live with students or groups to share more about their background, discuss their most recent research 和 even give a peek inside CMC’s collections.

Virtual field trips can be booked online or by calling (513) 287-7021 和 cost $75 per classroom or group with discounts available for multiple bookings. Each virtual field trip reservation provides unlimited access for seven days (Sunday through Saturday). Conversations with an expert are live through a virtual platform 和 cost $75 per class or group. 欲知详情,请浏览 chinaqinyu.com/virtual-field-trips/.

CMC’s 网上赌搏网站十大排行 were made possible in part by the 博物馆及图书馆服务学会 格兰特cagml - 248047 - omls - 20. 提供了额外的支持 卡罗尔·安和拉尔夫·V. 海丽,小./U.S. 银行基础 和罗伯特C. & 阿黛尔R. 希夫家族基金会.


辛辛那提博物馆中心 (CMC) at 结合终端 is a nationally recognized institution 和 national historic l和mark. 致力于激发社区对话, 洞察力和灵感, CMC was awarded the 2009 National Medal for Museum 和 Library Service from the 博物馆及图书馆服务学会 和 received accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums in 2012. CMC is one of a select few museums in the nation with both of these honors, making it a unique asset 和 a vital community resource. 结合终端 has been voted the nation's 45th most important building by the American Institute of Architects. Organizations within CMC include the 辛辛那提历史博物馆, 杜克能源儿童博物馆, 自然历史博物馆 & 《十大赌博平台排行榜》,罗伯特D. 林德纳家庭影院® 剧院和辛辛那提历史图书馆 & 档案. Recognized by Forbes Traveler Magazine as the 17th most visited museum in the country, CMC欢迎1名以上.每年800万人次. 欲了解更多信息,请网上赌搏网站十大排行 78920.chinaqinyu.com.